Project success hinges on having the right people with the right talents in the right jobs.
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Bridging the Gap

Cure the common cold? Let every family own a home? Enterprise architectures won't do those things, but they will help agencies trying to achieve those goals run their systems smarter. Just ask HHS and HUD.

Human Capital

The supply of workers with critical IT skills doesn't equal agencies' demand, but CIOs are drafting plans to close the gap.

Best Practices

Agencies learn they can fight back and win the war against the Web's newest public enemy: spyware.

Getting to Green

Does Labor have the answer to the multibillion-dollar problem of federal misspending?

Best Practices

Faced with constantly changing data backup needs, agencies get a grip on their storage hardware.

Best Practices

Roundly criticized for ineffective IT spending, Homeland Security has launched a buying organization designed to make the department a model for federal IT procurement.


Cover Feature

What do you get when you cross computer forensic specialists with street cops? The Secret Service knows: crimefighters trained to stop some of today's craftiest cyberthiefs in their virtual tracks.


With the migration to four financial services centers under way, agencies have begun a trek whose goal is to save the government $5 billion over 10 years.


By forming relationships with one another, large and small providers of information technology help agencies meet their small-business purchasing goals.


Here are 10 tips that served this former Air Force CIO well on the front lines of federal information technology.


Every agency hosts Web pages for the nation's youngest citizens, but what makes some the Internet equivalent of a best friend or favorite teacher while others seem hopelessly clueless?