How Federal IT Managers Should Consider Their Cloud Options

Federal CIOs, just like their counterparts in the private sector, face difficult decisions about IT choices, and need to justify the business case for those choices, according to Jack Nichols, manager of cloud client services at CDW-G.

There are multiple IT service delivery methods that CIOs can take advantage of, and federal CIOs now have more options to choose from than before. The open question is which services belong in which IT delivery model.

This video is part of series on the federal cloud market. Check out the next video, "Determining Which IT Services Belong in the Public Cloud." 



<p><strong>Jack Nichols</strong>, Manager, Cloud Client Services, CDW-G&nbsp;</p>

Video Highlights

<li>The toughest job CIOs have is making the business case for IT decisions and services.&nbsp;</li>
<li>There are three main IT service delivery methods: traditional infrastructure, private cloud and public cloud.&nbsp;</li>
<li>Unlike in the past, CIOs can now have co-location environments and different cloud environments.&nbsp;</li>