Agencies Need New Tools to Protect Against Emerging Cyberthreats [#Infographic]

Next-generation security solutions can help guard against malware and other vulnerabilities.

Agencies are increasingly turning to mobile solutions to give users flexibility and boost productivity, especially for those who work in the field, like inspectors and disaster responders.

However, those devices increase users’ exposure to a variety of cybersecurity threats, including malware, phishing and zero-day exploits. Indeed, 67 percent of IT security professionals reported that it’s certain or likely that their organization suffered a data breach as a result of employees using their mobile devices to access the company’s sensitive and confidential information, according to a Ponemon Institute study commissioned by mobile security company Lookout.

Next-generation security tools can help agencies respond to this evolving threat landscape.

For example, behavioral analysis monitors a system for signs of potential attack and then takes action to block applications that engage in behavior matching one or more malicious patterns. Additionally, machine learning — a form of artificial intelligence which uses algorithms to detect patterns and make predictions — can help agencies detect previously unseen malware and stop attacks before damage occurs.

Check out the infographic to see the threats your agency may face and how it can protect its endpoints. CDW’s solutions and services can help your organization deliver a secure mobile experience to users. For more, visit