In This Issue: Focus on Mobile Computing

TABLETS: Feds Use Them at Schools >
MOBILE THIN CLIENTS: Economical and Secure >
SMARTPHONES: Inside Windows Phone 7 >
REVIEW: Sony Z-Series Notebook >

July 6, 2010  

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Case Study

To Each, His or Her Own
Tablet PCs improve learning at federal schools

Many of the schools run by federal agencies are using tablet PCs to take the place of pen and paper. Feds find the tablet computers work well both in and out of the classroom and across multiple academic disciplines.

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Tech Trends

Mobile Thin Clients
Devices save money and increase security

The National Wildfire Coordinating Group, an umbrella organization that consists of several federal agencies, developed computer networks on wheels inside trailers that can be hauled to the sites of forest fires and other natural disasters.

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Tech Watch

Windows Phone 7
Five ways to benefit from Microsoft's new smartphone platform

Windows Phone 7 is coming later this year, and organizations that have Microsoft Office deployed and use Microsoft Exchange or SharePoint will want to know about its new and enhanced features. Here are five ways organizations can benefit from Microsoft’s new smartphone platform.

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Product Review

Sony's Premium Notebook
These units pack the punch busy mobile workers need

The Vaio Z-Series units put a premium on portability without sacrificing performance. With native 1600x900 resolution and a lightweight, thin LCD screen, the Z-Series both looks cool and gets work done. Check out the unit’s sleek design; typing is easier than ever.

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Tech Tips

Managing Mobile Encryption
Tips for locking down a fleet of mobile devices

Organizations that want to encrypt mobile data should take a close look at these five tips. Start by deploying comprehensive, centrally managed security software that will work on as many platforms as possible. Opting for full-disk encryption is also important.

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White Paper

Mobile Computing Security: Read up on how to protect devices roaming on the perimeter.

Reference Guide

Mobility: Read this in-depth guide on how you can leverage mobile computing within your organization.

Tech Tips

Learn how BitLocker To Go can help protect data in transit and serve as a catalyst for establishing security rules-of-the-road for your users.

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