Store-Bought Safety
The products provide widespread network visibility and other mechanisms to help agencies secure their assets.
Disaster Management
Workers responding to major disasters can keep in touch with survivors and the home office with strong connectivity.
Agencies with high-volume storage needs can rely on this low-latency, maximum-performance device.
A Mixed Bag
Agencies operate hybrid computing environments that cross the cloud/on-premises boundary, but how can these operations be made more efficient?
Virtual Solutions
The two methods of virtualization have stark differences; understanding them can guide a decision.
The Need to Know
Intelligence agencies are working to share data with their partners to best conduct their critical national security missions.
Fortify Your Outposts
Designed for drag-and-drop protection at satellite and regional offices, this security device punches above its weight.
Network Improvements
Software-defined WAN solutions require thought before implementation; think about these four factors before deployment.
Bandwidth Benefits
Security may need to be addressed with carriers who provide the technology.
The Way Forward
In the aftermath of the longest government shutdown in history, agencies use the experience to better prepare in case there’s a next time.
Closing Time
A GAO report named agencies who had excelled at meeting DCOI mandates; DOJ, USDA and EPA tell their stories.
Stable Ground
Agencies use cloud migration to prevent interruptions in workflow for their employees and customers.
Making the Mission Possible
The 2020 decennial Census is a reminder of how important IT is to keep the government running.
Smart Shopping
Upcoming task force recommendations and new procedures within agencies strengthen protections against malicious acts that come in through products.
A Visible Change
“Walled gardens” between agencies will interfere with the technology’s usefulness, says a DHS official.
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