Jan 12 2017
Data Center

DOD CIO Halvorsen to Retire at End of February

The Defense Department's IT policies are unlikely to change radically during the transition.

Defense Department CIO Terry Halvorsen said on Wednesday that he will retire from government service on Feb. 28

Halvorsen disclosed his plans during a media roundtable, according to Federal News Radio and Inside Defense. DOD's current IT policies and priorities are unlikely to change significantly during the transition to the Trump administration, he said.

The DOD is undergoing a massive upgrade to Microsoft's Windows 10 and data center consolidation. The DOD has made progress on many IT priorities since Halvorsen took over in the summer of 2015, many of which were laid out in an August 2016 document

However, Halvorsen said he is disappointed DOD has not made more progress on data center consolidation. “It’s the one area where I’d give myself the lowest marks. Not the team, but me, because ultimately it’s my responsibility,” he said, according to Federal News Radio. “We did not get as many closed as I would like to get closed.”

The site reported: "Among other indications of difficulty on the data center front, the Defense Department failed to meet the Office of Management and Budget’s 2010 goal to shutter 40 percent of DoD data centers by the end of fiscal year 2015. It managed just 18 percent, according to an assessment last year by the Pentagon inspector general."



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