May 10 2019

5 Questions to Ask About Device as a Service

DaaS can save an agency money and time while boosting productivity, if it’s a good fit.

Device as a Service is a new offering that delivers the entire IT package in one bundle: device hardware, including periodic upgrades; Windows operating system and applications; and end-user support. As agencies look into DaaS, they have some questions — and we have answers:

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1. How Does DaaS Benefit My Agency?

Simply, predictable costs (and possibly cost savings). With Device as a Service, IT managers need to manage only the relationship and services, and make sure that users are happy. Everything else is handled by a third party for a fixed price per desktop user, per month.

2. What Size or Type of Agency Is Best Suited to Using DaaS?

An agency with budget line items for buying, supporting and managing desktops is most likely to find savings. DaaS may not fit workgroups that require different operating systems, hardware and application mixes.


3. What DaaS Implementation Challenges Might an Agency Face?

DaaS works best when provider and agency can clearly define services, interface and rules of engagement ­— difficult if the group is unused to outsourcing. User expectations must be met: Those who prefer face-to-face help may not be pleased about having to make a call instead. Good providers will manage this with a ramped-up transition.

4. Are Cost Savings the Only Benefit of DaaS?

IT groups having a tough time providing desktop support will find that handing the job to someone else may be the fastest way out of that jam, and would also free resources for other IT soft spots.

5. When Is DaaS a Bad Idea?

In agencies where desktop computing is entrenched, DaaS would be a good fit. If the direction is to move to mobile devices, DaaS may not be the answer. But if an agency is going mobile-first, letting a third-party service handle desktops may free resources to focus on mobility.

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