Now that law enforcement agencies are sharing information more easily, it’s time to mine that data for critical insights.
Moving Processing to the Server
Agencies find benefits by moving processing from the desktop to the data center.
Maximizing Tiered Hypervisors
Using multiple virtualization tools for different applications can provide a number of benefits.
The Strongest Link
This security appliance is easy to set up and can be administered remotely.
The Thoroughly Modular Data Center
Agencies find that prefabricated IT infrastructure can be delivered more quickly and at lower cost.
An Office in the Clouds
New features and cloud integration make the latest version of Microsoft’s Office suite a keeper.
A Better View
As AR applications hit the consumer market, government looks for ways to use this emerging technology.
Room for Improvement
For decades, agencies have sought effective methods to manage IT projects. They’re still looking.
Unleashing the Power
As adoption of electronic health records accelerates, agencies tackle the challenges of exchanging, using and analyzing patient health data.
Gained in Translation
Devices such as smartphones and tablets provide a means for agencies to deliver language capabilities to users anywhere in the world.
Core Protection
Standardizing security protocols across the enterprise helps government keep data safe.
The True Goal of Consolidation
Agencies are closing data centers, but more important, they’re optimizing operations.
Strength in Numbers
Agencies are finding that unifying IT operations can help them overcome serious obstacles and accomplish their missions.
Fallen Giant
The Air Force ERP system might be scrapped, but there is still plenty to learn from the failed project.
The Right Direction
Agencies should continue moving forward on efforts to meet Shared-First mandate.
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