Aug 07 2012

50 Must-Read Federal Technology Blogs

50 Must-Read Federal IT Blogs

Technology is at the very core of the federal government today. Not only can it save money, it also can create jobs, pioneer innovation and deliver unparalleled services to U.S. citizens.

Every CIO and chief technology officer is feeling the pressure to do more with less, and while it can be done, they need support.

Since federal IT workers are constantly providing the rest of the country with a valuable service, FedTech has compiled 50 must-read federal technology blogs to support them. These blogs cover every topic that federal technology workers face today — BYOD, big data, energy, data center optimization, productivity, hosting, telework, virtualization, mobile devices, social media, cloud computing and more.

If your favorite federal technology blog has been omitted from the list, please let us know by leaving a comment. Has your blog been selected? Click here to get a badge for your website.

Andrea DiMaio, Gartner Distinguished Analyst

Andrea DiMaio's Gartner Blog

Andrea DiMaio is another refreshing voice from Gartner Research. He offers more than just news on this blog, as he analyzes current events and controversial issues relating to government technology. You’ll find great articles on e-government strategies, Web 2.0, open government and green IT that date back to 2008.

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Anton Chuvakin, Gartner Security Expert

Anton Chuvakin, Gartner Security Expert

Chuvakin, a research director at Gartner's IT1 Security and Risk Management group, writes regularly for his employer’s blog network. He leads readers on thought exercises about how to handle security challenges and offers advice on how best to defend information systems from threats such as malware or denial of service attacks. 

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Army CIO Blog

Army CIO Blog

The U.S. military is providing some of the most amazing technology the world has ever seen. Whether you work in military IT or are just a technology geek, you’ll get to hear from some of the most influential voices in the field. 

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 Around the Corner: A GSA Innovation Blog

Around the Corner

Casey Coleman, CIO at the General Services Administration, keeps the federal IT world up to date on the tech initiatives within her organization. All things GSA are covered here, which is extremely important because the GSA works with nearly every government agency and is tasked with reducing costs and improving the efficiency of the government as a whole.

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B2G Breaking Views

BasicGov Blog

Supplying products and services to the federal government is a big market. Agencies are constantly in need of everything from servers to consultants. Find out what's hot now and what's likely to be hot in the near future.

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Blue Print

CIO Musings

This blog for systems integrator Blue Coat Federal is produced by a team of four bloggers, including a security specialist, an engineer and a “technology evangelist.” Included in the frequent posts are best practices and solutions for dealing with federal IT challenges, such as BYOD, WAN optimization and malware.

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The Business of Government Blog

The Business of Government Blog

IBM’s blog about public-sector IT includes news from across the industry and commentary from former federal officials, including Dan Chenok, John M. Kamensky and Jonathan D. Breul. The blog places a strong emphasis on management issues and also covers technological topics, such as cybersecurity and energy. 

Business of Government Blog on TwitterBusiness of Government Blog on FacebookBusiness of Government Blogs Youtube ChannelBusiness of Government Blog RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Chuck's Blog

Chuck's Blog

Chuck Hollis of EMC is an important voice in the federal IT world. Keenly focused on enterprise IT, Chuck’s Blog proposes a new approach to technology for government agencies but comments on technology for any large organization. The clean, simple website nicely complements his beliefs on IT.

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CIO Council's Federal CIO Blog Roll

CIO Council's Federal CIO Blog Roll

Hear it straight from the source. The federal CIO Council website includes this blog, regularly updated by agency CIOs, with the latest news about their IT projects. Hot-button topics such as mobility, cloud computing and shared services are discussed at the highest levels of government.  

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CIO Dashboard

CIO Dashboard

On this blog, PricewaterhouseCoopers principal Chris Curran offers information and opinion on the IT issues that CIOs face every day. Curran offers insightful best practices and lively discussion of issues, focusing on some of the most vexing questions CIOs face, such as, “Is Social Media Leadership Critical for a CIO?” and “Should the CIO Ban Email?”

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Cisco Government Blog

Official Cisco Government Blog

Cisco officials discuss a wide array of IT topics on this corporate blog —everything from telework to management. The commentary occasionally touches on international, state and local governments as well as federal issues. 

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 Cloud Centrics Technology Blog

Cloud Centrics Technology Blog

Since the cloud is a central topic in government IT conversations, it makes sense that there would be a blog dedicated to it. So many applications and devices harness the power of the cloud that, even if your agency hasn’t adopted a public or private cloud, you can be sure your employees already have. Aamir Lakhani and his team of contributors go into great detail on all things cloud.

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Cloud Musings

Cloud Musings

Cloud, cloud and more cloud! Jackson is the vice president and general manager for cloud services at NJVC, a technology services provider that works closely with government agencies. This blog places a laser-sharp focus on cloud computing issues and news.

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This blog was founded by a CTO and is still written for CTOs. The experienced team at CTOVision focuses on enterprise technology. In addition to regular posts, you can subscribe to one of their many newsletters, including two designed specifically for government news. They cover a number of topics, so we doubt you’ll be left wanting more.

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Dark Reading

Dark Reading

Informative and well written, the security blog of UBM TechWeb covers a wide range of cybersecurity issues. Dark Reading offers coverage about industry conferences and recent trends and analysis of the latest technologies. 

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 Data Center Knowledge

Data Center Knowledge

Led by editor-in-chief Rich Miller, the team of bloggers on this site focuses on news and knowledge about data centers. What caused the latest major outage? How can data centers improve energy efficiency? How can data center operators keep employees safe? This blog answers those questions and more. 

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Journalist Chris Dorobek produces this blog, covering government IT and other issues. Dorobek frequently breaks news about the federal IT community, and his blog also includes a weekly roundup of news. 

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Energy CIO Blog

Energy CIO Blog

The Energy Department is on the cutting edge of technology in the United States. The department's focus on efficiency is unparalleled, and its approach is one that any IT professional can learn from. And did we mention Secretary of Energy Steven Chu is a Nobel Prize winner? This blog covers solar and wind technology, presents case studies of successful green tech initiatives and offers cost-saving tips related to energy. 

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Envision Gov IT

Envision Gov IT

Any government IT leaders and managers who are struggling with the implementation of recent mandates should spend some time on Envision Gov IT. The blog has assembled some of the smartest minds in federal IT and government contracting to offer their two cents, though it’s worth much more than that. More than 20 bloggers contribute to this blog, making it an excellent resource.

Army CIO Blog  RSS Feed | Read the blog:


Federal Computer Week Government 2.0 Blog


Federal Computer Week has covered federal IT for decades. FCW staffers produce this blog, with content about agencies that are using technology to provide greater service to citizens.

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Five Nines: The Next Generation Data Center

Five Nines

Produced by IT journalist David Chernicoff, this blog examines technologies that affect data centers, such as server virtualization and data center infrastructure management. Content includes case studies of successful hardware implementations and tips for improving data center operations. 

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Forrester Research

Forrester Research

IT industry analysts at Forrester Research produce this blog, which provides best practices and analysis of technology issues. The blog covers topics such as data centers, security, mobility and the latest hardware. 

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 Gov Info Security

Gov Info Security

As the name suggests, this blog from the Information Security Media Group focuses on cybersecurity issues. The site’s content includes interviews with prominent IT officials, opinion articles on the challenges that agencies face and tips on how to defend government systems.

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Governing People

Governing People

This is an “online community for a new kind of government leader” and a crowdsourced collection of blogs from around the web. The open approach ensures that no topic is left uncovered, so this blog is a daily must-read. And if you are a blogger, you can submit content for publication.

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Government Bits

Government Bits

Adobe runs this blog, which has a focus on how technology is transforming the way government and citizens interact. A host of Adobe bloggers posts regularly on a wide range of issues, such as mobility, health IT and innovation. 

Government Bits on TwitterGovernment Bits on FacebookAudrey Watter Youtube ChannelGovernment Bits RSS Feed | Read the blog:


 Government Health IT Blog

Government Health IT blog

The intersection of government, technology and healthcare is important to all Americans. More efficient technology could save a lot of tax dollars. From management to delivery, these articles have you covered and are written by some of the foremost leaders in the field.

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Government Tech

Government Tech

Now that the Internet has broken down the traditional news process, you don’t have to wait for a huge media outlet to deliver the information you are looking for. If you want government technology news,  a site such as IT Business Edge can deliver topical and timely news just for you. If you have an interest in federal IT, this is definitely a blog to add to your RSS reader.

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Founded by Steve Ressler, GovLoop’s technology blog reports on government at all levels, with a wealth of content that addresses federal issues and agencies. GovLoop’s solid collection of bloggers covers every IT topic under the sun, from reports on industry events to video interviews with high-level federal officials. 

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Great Government Through Technology

Great Government through Technology

Mary Davie, assistant commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service’s Office of Integrated Technology Services, offers insights on how agencies can provide better services through the use of technology. This official blog of the General Services Administration touches on topics such as mobility, cloud computing, budgeting and shared services.

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Greg's Server and StorageIO Blog

Greg's Server and StorageIO Blog

Greg Schulz, whose writing frequently appears in FedTech magazine, produces this blog, which focuses on storage issues. Schulz offers advice, analysis, news and opinion about data-storage hardware and software. 

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 Health IT Buzz

Health IT Buzz

The Health and Human Services Department’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT keeps readers updated on one of the hottest topics in technology. Electronic health records represent a major challenge as agencies grapple with the mandates of the healthcare reform law, and this blog provides information on critical issues, such as privacy, security and best practices. 

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Hu's Blog

Hu's Blog

This is the official blog of Hu Yoshida, vice president and chief technology officer for Hitachi Data Systems. Yoshida’s blog mainly addresses issues involving data storage, such as big data and capacity utilization, with a focus on Hitachi products. 

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The U.S. Federal Identity, Credential and Access Management Program runs this blog, which focuses on identity management issues within the federal government. The blog provides a forum for authentication and identity issues, covering relevant events and news. 

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 The IJIS Factor

IJIS Institute

This public-private partnership blog bills itself as “Strategic Thinking for innovations in government through technology.” The IJIS Institute aims to improve critical information sharing by government and industry to help law enforcement and public safety efforts.

Andrea DiMaio on Twitter| Read the blog:


 Information Sharing Environment Blog

Information Sharing Environment Blog

Started in 2004, the Information Sharing Environment is designed to prevent terrorist activity by exchanging sensitive information between agencies and governments. As you might imagine, the technology behind this operation is trailblazing, and so are the people writing the blog. It features government technology leaders as contributors and covers a wide range of data, security and sharing issues.

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Lohrmann on Cybersecurity

Lohrmann on Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the most important issues facing government IT leaders and employees. Dan Lohrmann is the chief information security officer for the state of Michigan and brings real-world experience to this blog. If you want to know “what's hot and what's not” in the cybersecurity community, don’t miss this resource.

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Mark McDonald, Gartner Blog

Mark McDonald, Gartner Blog

Author Mark McDonald writes one of the most thought-provoking IT blogs we’ve come across. Posts like “An IT Renaissance is the last thing we need. We need IT Enlightenment” and “It is time to think small when thinking of IT” show you why Gartner has become one of the most important IT research companies in the world. If you’ve been looking for a new approach to old IT issues, you just found it.

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Considering that NASA is pioneering some of the most advanced technology in the world, it makes sense to pay attention to CIO Linda Cureton. This blog offers a glimpse into the world of a very large operation. Learn more about her IT plans for the future, and see what a day in the life of a CIO is like. 

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Official Blog of the Federal Communications Commission 

FCC Blog

The FCC’s blog includes content from both agency personnel and subject-matter experts from outside the FCC. The blog covers a wide range of issues, including mobile computing, the Internet and open government. 

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Office of Governmentwide Policy Blog

Office of Governmentwide Policy Blog

Smart policies can be a huge source of cost savings in the government. For this reason, Kathleen Turco — currently the associate administrator for governmentwide policy at the GSA — blogs about the juncture of policy and technology.

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This blog from top-level Office of Management and Budget officials, including Jeffrey Zients, acting director of the OMB, and Cass Sunstein, administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, frequently covers the role that technology plays in improving government efficiency and effectiveness. Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel also posts on the OMB Blog. 

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Open Government Initiative Blog

Open Government Initiative Blog

Chris Vein writes the open government blog on the White House site. A noted advocate of open government, he recently helped launch the Open Government Platform (OGPL) to make government data and processes more transparent. This topic is of growing importance and rooted in technology, and tech leaders should pay close attention to Vein’s work.

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Politech: Politics & Technology

Politech: Politics & Technology

Technology is at the core of all government operations today, including politics. This site, run by Declan McCullagh, covers political technology from across the web and a massive archive of articles dating back to 2003. This is one of the premier sources for political technology on the web.

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Public Great

Public Great

Insight and commentary from Bill Bott and Ken Miller, experienced technology writers with great ideas for the government. They enter territory that most bloggers avoid, such as the government's place in pop culture. You'll find a wealth of resources that will inform and inspire government agencies.

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Scott Lowe's Blog

Scott Lowe's Blog

This is the personal blog of Scott Lowe, the chief technology officer for EMC’s global vSpecialist team. Lowe specializes in virtualization, storage and servers, and his blog covers those issues in depth. He also writes about other IT topics, including security and networking, offering highly technical instruction as well as news, opinion and an occasional non-IT post.  

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Steve O’Keeffe’s MeriTalk Blog


MeriTalk is one of the most active and energetic communities for federal technology workers. This blog is written by founder Steve O’Keeffe, who also is the founder of the Telework Exchange and GovMark Council. O’Keeffe brings a light-hearted approach to tough IT issues, such as big data and cloud computing.

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AFCEA has been serving the federal government since 1946 by providing a forum for agencies to communicate with industry leaders. AFCEA's publication, SIGNAL Magazine, now has a home on the web. The magazine covers a wide variety of government technologies and is one of the most trusted voices in the federal community.

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Telework Exchange Blog

Telework Exchange Blog

Another product of Steve O’Keeffe and the MeriTalk network, the Telework Exchange blog provides a forum for federal teleworkers. Having trouble convincing your boss that you can work effectively from home? You can find a number of strategies to make your case here. 

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The Total CIO by Andy Blumenthal

The Total CIO | Andy Blumenthal

Andy Blumenthal is a division chief at the State Department, and his personal blog covers a wide range of topics. Most importantly, however, he will make you laugh with his light-hearted interpretations of everyday events. When he talks tech, it's a good idea to listen.

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Wired Workplace

Wired Workplace, NextGov

The Wired Workplace blog covers any issue that a federal IT worker might face. From teleworking and interviewing to BYOD and productivity, this NextGov blog has it covered. Blogger Brittany Ballenstedt brings a fresh approach to some old issues and uncovers new ones.

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Learn from Your Peers

What can you glean about security from other IT pros? Check out new CDW research and insight from our experts.