Nov 01 2021

5 Questions to Ask About Deploying a Microservices Architecture

The leading solution for application management today is based on the use of containers; here are things to think about ahead of time.

Microservices are hailed as the leading solution for application management today. If you’re considering microservices technology, start planning ahead by asking these five questions.

1. What Is A Microservices Architecture?

It’s a means of deploying applications via containers, which are small, scalable packages of software images, components and dependencies that help cloud applications run. 

2. How Do Microservices Integrate with Existing Architectures?

That depends. Think about how loosely coupled services might mesh with their interdependent counterparts. Your answers will determine the effort behind a cloud transition. They might even reveal compatible Software, Platform or Anything as a Service solutions.

3. What Advantages Are There to Using Microservices?

This question has two components: What are the technical advantages, and what are the business advantages? In each case, the transition must make logical sense and offer long-term value. Additionally, consider how performance, observability and management may work best with your current setup.

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4. What Disadvantages Are There to Using Microservices?

Microservices are notorious for their complexity. Deploying microservices might mean making concessions or weathering a learning curve, based on your ecosystem. Be mindful of whether potential shortcomings, such as time requirements and cost, outweigh any benefits.

5. What Training or Skills Are Needed to Benefit from Microservices?

Application programming interfaces and containers and Kubernetes — oh my! Becoming familiar with microservices means learning a host of new technologies. It also means embracing DevOps methodologies. Your team members might already have related experience; service partners can also help with rollouts.

RELATED: What are the benefits of application modernization?

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