Jan 31 2013

The 5 Most Social Federal CIOs on Twitter

A free platform for openness and transparency, Twitter fills an important role for agencies.

IT decision makers are turning to social media for a number of reasons. They can engage with peers, interact directly with citizens and spread information about their agencies’ work. A handful of CIOs have emerged as leaders on Twitter, gaining followers and influence by virtue of their insight. As Mark Malseed and Andrew Einhorn discuss on OhMyGov, social media is an opportunity for agencies and government leaders to be open and transparent on a free and easily accessible platform:

The popularity of social media across many different demographic groups has allowed for an unprecedented level of openness and connectedness, which also provides substantial opportunities for “good government.” By using inexpensive and widely accessible social media platforms, government agencies can engage and communicate with a citizenry eager for conversation in ways previously impossible or impractical.

Read 7 Reasons Every Government Agency Needs a Social Media Policy on OhMyGov.

Recently, the Huffington Post published a list of 70 influential CIOs on Twitter. Five were federal employees, and they are listed below:



Steven VanRoekel - Executive Office of the President

Appointed directly by the President of the United States, VanRoekel is just the second federal CIO. He spent 15 years working at Microsoft before joining the government in 2009. @stevenvDC


Rick Holgate - Bureau of the ATF

Holgate is a “recovering engineer” and an energetic leader in the government. He has appeared in FedTech videos on cloud computing and mobility in the government. @rickholgate


Linda Cureton - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Cureton has been the CIO at NASA since 2009 and is also the brains behind the NASA CIO blog, a FedTech Must-Read IT blog. In her free time, she is a piano teacher and a published author. @curetonl


Sonny Hashmi - Deputy Chief Information Officer, GSA

Along with Casey Coleman, Hashmi is “responsible for leveraging emerging technologies to improve GSA operations, drive IT modernization, and lead enterprise initiatives.” He describes himself as a “multi-faceted geek” and is a must-follow for IT workers. @sonny_h


Casey Coleman - General Services Administration

As CIO of the largest government agency, Coleman is responsible for a $600 million IT budget. She uses Twitter to share best practices for technology as well as her other passion: fitness. She is also the author of the GSA Innovation blog, which was a Must-Read IT blog, and was featured in a FedTech article about the ROI of cloud computing. @caseycoleman

Read the full list on The Huffington Post.


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