Apr 01 2022

How to Use ServiceNow Tools to Drive Digital Transformation in Your Agency

The ServiceNow platform can be an engine for modernization if IT leaders and their teams take advantage of all it has to offer.

As government IT leaders seek to overcome challenges to digital transformation within their agencies, they are also being tasked with improving the experience citizens have when they interact with government.

To do that at scale, agencies’ IT organizations must be able to meet their needs quickly, be agile in how they operate and develop new software and tools to support a modern digital government experience.

Many government agencies are at a hinge point in their digital transformation journeys, as they seek to take paper-based and legacy government processes online and make them available to citizens whenever and wherever they want.

While 60 percent of respondents to a recent MeriTalk survey of government IT leaders reported that they have felt a “significant” shift in digital transformation in the past two years, only 37 percent characterized their organizations’ approach to digital transformation as advanced, meaning they are “aggressively expanding digital services and digitizing internal processes.” A majority (56 percent) described their digital transformation as intermediate, saying they are “making progress digitizing incrementally where possible.”

To spur digital transformation, agencies are increasingly turning to tools from ServiceNow not just for functions such as IT service management (ITSM) but also for a service-oriented IT model that enables an IT team to advance an agency’s digital strategy and mission. ServiceNow’s platform can serve as a modern operational backbone for agencies seeking to transform how they fulfill their missions and interact with the public.

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ServiceNow Tools Enable Digital Transformation in Government

Dale Landowski, an ITSM product manager for ServiceNow solutions at CDW, notes that organizations need standard processes, shared data, shared applications and shared technologies to thrive in this environment. Agencies must avoid having multiple applications that perform the same function, he notes.

Sharing data is essential to transformation, he argues, and ServiceNow enables that for agencies via a shared data repository.

“That really provides the insight and the ability to modernize and provide a true modern backbone,” he says.

As citizens’ experiences with companies have grown more digital and personal during the pandemic, their expectations for how they should interact with and receive benefits from the federal government have changed. IT teams need to become strategic partners to agency mission areas as they seek to meet citizens’ desire to use government services in the way that works best for them.

DIVE DEEPER: Explore how ServiceNow can help transform your agency’s operations.
To focus on that kind of work, agencies can leverage ServiceNow to simplify and optimize IT operations by merging core operational functions into a single platform. The platform enables not just the standardization of processes but also the ability to share data to leverage shared applications.

This empowers IT teams to work in a service-oriented fashion, operating not as a cost center but as an integral element of the delivery of modern, mobile-friendly services that citizens can access whenever they need to. ServiceNow tools allow IT teams to function more like a business than a technology provider, able to forecast demand and focus on the delivery of core services.

“If you’re not thinking about services and products, and you’re not talking about services and products, and you’re not able to articulate what services and products you’re supporting in IT, you’re not going to be able to have conversations about digital transformation, because that’s where the transformation is taking place,” Landowski says.

EXPLORE: What are the benefits of ITSM?

How Federal Agencies Are Leveraging ServiceNow

A wide range of federal agencies have turned to ServiceNow to manage highly complex projects and improve service delivery for citizens.

For example, the Department of Homeland Security used ServiceNow to track COVID-19 vaccination rates among its 240,000 employees. The platform enabled DHS to easily monitor vaccination eligibility checks, manage communications and coordinate mass vaccinations at Veterans Affairs facilities.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used ServiceNow tools to build its Vaccine Administration Management System for states to use.

Other agencies are using ServiceNow and related solutions to outsource traditional IT duties and allow IT personnel to focus more on cybersecurity or the agency’s core mission. The Air Force is a primary example, using ServiceNow to streamline its IT help desk operations.

Argonne National Laboratory is using ServiceNow to take a more service-oriented approach via not just ITSM tools but also custom-built apps designed to streamline the lab’s service delivery environment.

Most organizations have shared network and infrastructure capabilities but lack services with clear value, Landowski says. IT teams deploy those shared capabilities but are not engaged with the business or mission areas of the organizations.

“Good organizations and organizations that have a modern operational environment have services that provide value back to the business,” he says, “and they understand what it is and what they’re getting, and they pay based on a consumption model, for example.”

RELATED: Evolve your agency’s use of ServiceNow tools.

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