Aug 21 2013

The 10 Fastest Supercomputers in the World [#Infographic]

The competition heats up for the computing-power crown.

With every passing second, federal agencies are producing a tsunami of data points. All of this data needs to be stored and analyzed in order to drive innovation and achieve mission objectives.

In the age of the Internet of Things, tackling Big Data has become paramount for the government. The challenge of what to do with all of this information weighs heavily on IT leaders.

One solution has been public–private partnerships that pool resources and tackle Big Data head-on. An example of this collaborative effort is the Energy Department’s “Fast Forward” program, which aims to accelerate research and development in a variety of fields.

These Big Data projects use the prowess of supercomputers to push the boundaries of scientific and technological advancement. Incredibly fast and efficient, supercomputers have become the cornerstone of computing infrastructure.

This infographic from AIS examines the 10 fastest supercomputers in existence and the limitless potential of these mammoth data centers. It is interesting to note that only two of the top 10 supercomputers are independently operated.

For now, the United States is a supercomputer leader, with five of the top 10 facilities in the world. How can the United States continue to leverage public–private partnerships in order to maintain this computing advantage?

Check out the complete supercomputer rankings below.

Fastest Supercomputers

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