“From an archival standpoint, we keep a copy of the GovInfo data in Azure cloud,” Halpern says. “This gives us a backup for all of that valuable information.”
GPO produces its publications with HP computers and maintains archives with NetApp cloud storage.
Improving Collection Access with an Open-Source Platform
The Library of Congress — in addition to managing the Congressional Research Service, Congress.gov and the U.S. Copyright Office — is the world’s largest library.
“Our digital collection is enormous,” says LOC Director of Digital Services David Brunton. “The preservation copy of our collection totals 28.7 petabytes, including more than 1 billion objects. Our lower-resolution online presentation copies account for about over 6 petabytes of storage.”
Using its Digital Collections Strategy as a guide, LOC continues to acquire, digitize and make available its collections to researchers and the public. In support of this strategy, the library is switching to a new IT solution, the Library Collections Access Platform.
DISCOVER: The Smithsonian’s digitization program preserves delicate treasures.
“LCAP is an open-source project using EBSCO’s FOLIO library services solution,” Brunton says. “It enables better search and discovery of collections, improving overall access for our users. We already use the system for acquisitions work, and we expect to roll it out to end users for search and circulation in 2025.”
The FOLIO open-source solution is hosted in the AWS cloud. LCAP will provide a simple, accessible window into a very complex process going on underneath, namely the metadata tagging and organizing of millions of unique items in the collection.
“You’d think building a simple ingest pipe to storage would be easy. It is not,” says CIO Judith Conklin. “There is a lot of metadata to be managed, different formats and types of collections. As vast as our collection is, without that metadata, you wouldn’t be able to find anything at all.”