As aging workers retire, agencies must meet the demands of younger, more tech-savvy users.
Ready for the Future
In just under a year, Terrill has set the stage for the agency’s evolution into a digital-forward agency.
Fast and Flexible
Thanks to its familiar console interface and management tools, Cisco's HyperFlex platform lets agencies easily embrace and reap the benefits of virtualization.
Batten Down the Hatches
Securing data centers from physical threats is essential to maintaining operations and protecting critical information.
Packed with Power
HP’s Ultrabook packs numerous useful features into a slim, light design.
How Next-Generation Networking Boosts Service
Advanced networking technologies like software-defined networking and data center orchestration can help agencies deliver the solutions that users and citizens demand.
A New Mobile Era
By streamlining their device footprints, agencies can make IT management easier and also enhance cybersecurity.
Enabling the Internet of Things
Agencies are exploring ways to apply IoT data to enable automation and drive better decision-making.
Military-Grade Mobility
Federal agencies have a lot to learn from how the armed forces buy and use rugged notebooks, tablets and smartphones.
Foster Telework Success
As agencies gain experience in fielding effective policies and technologies, their ability to support remote work is improving.
A New Legacy
The time is ripe for agencies to start moving aging infrastructure to the cloud, and some agencies, like USCIS and the FCC, have already done so.
In addition to investing in endpoint monitoring, intrusion detection and data loss prevention solutions, agencies need to ensure physical security of their data centers.
Seamless Transition
The new administration must continue progress on IT advancements such as cybersecurity and infrastructure modernization efforts.
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